The Knox School Board has expanded the scope of the upcoming renovations to the administrative office. Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart says another $200,000 in renovations there has officially been added into the school corporation’s building project.
“These would be the classrooms that weren’t in the original scope of work, as well as the curriculum director’s office, the SRO’s office,” Reichhart explains, “and it would complete that building, then, to be completely remodeled.”
Plans call for the administrative office to become a standalone building, as the original Palmer Wing of the elementary school would be demolished. The administrative office renovations were one of a number of additional items added into the school corporation’s building project last month.
Reichhart says the school board also agreed to have the parking lot across from the Weinberg Gym completely rebuilt. “Originally, it was scheduled to be milled with a new surface layer laid on top of it,” Reichhart says. “For another $114,000, Reith-Riley is going to take that completely down to the stone and lay a base layer and then a new layer on top.”
On top of that, board members approved another three pole lights for the new bus loop, to address a dark spot between the elementary school and Culver Road. School officials are also working on getting quotes to upgrade the fence along Culver Road, to block the view of the elementary school playground from passing traffic.
Reichhart says that even with all of these projects, there is still about $850,000 left over.