Larger businesses will soon have to pay more for certain development fees in Pulaski County. An updated fee schedule was approved by the county commissioners last week, at the recommendation of the county’s advisory plan commission.
Building Department Assistant Karla Pemberton explained that larger commercial entities will now have to pay $500 for hearings with the plan commission and board of zoning appeals, up from $175 to $225 currently. “The plan commission suggested these prices to try and be consistent and reasonable for smaller businesses that need additional county assistance, in regards to things such as, maybe, rezoning or special exceptions,” Pemberton said.
She noted that even $500 wouldn’t have completely covered the cost of last year’s solar hearings, for example, but it would have been closer than the $175 the company ended up paying. The fee for residents will stay the same.
Commissioner Maurice Loehmer said he found the new fees to be very reasonable and felt they wouldn’t discourage any new businesses.
Meanwhile, the commissioners appointed Megan Korous to a four-year term on the advisory plan commission.