Roadwork Planned for Pulaski County Road 1450 West near Francesville

The Francesville area will be getting some road upgrades, thanks to the latest round of Community Crossings grants.

Pulaski County Highway Superintendent Gary Kruger told the county commissioners Monday that the work will take place on County Road 1450 West between 200 South and the FRATCO facility. “On top of that, we were going to go out of our budget and do the remaining balance that goes into the Town of Francesville, which will be, probably, about two-tenths of a mile,” Kruger added.

INDOT awarded the county up to $389,000 to cover 75 percent of the qualifying work. The commissioners agreed to advertise for bids. They’ll open them at their next meeting on April 5. Kruger hoped to get the work done by the end of July.