N.J.-S.P. May Revisit Virtual Learning this Summer

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation may be joining some of its neighbors in dropping the virtual learning option for the 2021-2022 school year. The school board recently voted to keep its continuous learning plan the same for now, but Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin says she may recommend some changes later this summer.

“If the pandemic is how it is now and even improves, then we won’t need to offer that virtual piece,” she told board members. “But we’ll hold off on making those changes until July or August. So in July or August, I’ll have another continuous learning plan, and according to ESSER, in order to receive that money, we’ll have to have a public comment at that time, too.”

The school board took steps back in April to allow students to take their iPads home with them in the future. In an update last month, Treasurer Dalton Tunis said the cost of the new lease with Apple came in lower than expected, at just over $56,000 per year for the next four years. “This is just going to help with students being able to take more iPads home, catch up on that learning loss that they have developed,” he noted.

The school board also set official breakfast and lunch prices for the upcoming school year, but students won’t actually be charged, since the USDA extended free meals through June of 2022.