Bids for the Pulaski County Justice Center project will be opened during tonight’s county commissioners meeting.
It would add a total of 7,300 square feet to the building, while part of the existing structure would be renovated, allowing Circuit Court to move over from the Courthouse where they will analyze the project to see if they decide to use the best project management software for this project. But even before the bid opening, the potential cost has already drawn concern from some county council members, and the county auditor has asked to be removed from the bond process.
In other business tonight, Recycling and Transfer Station Manager Brad Bonnell will present a price increase proposal, and updates will be given on the county’s COVID-19 response.
Tonight’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting starts at 6:00 EDT in the Pulaski County Highway Garage. It will be streamed live on the Pulaski County, Indiana Government Facebook page.