A new tanker truck, paving projects, and a new full-time position are a few of the items North Judson officials are looking to include in the town’s 2022 budget. The town council reviewed the proposed budget during a special meeting Monday.
Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe says they went over the numbers for a $240,000 tanker truck the fire department has ordered to replace one that was totaled in a rollover accident in January. “Between the township, the fire department itself, the town budgeted $65,000 for that, and also the $55,000 that we received for the value of that tanker truck, that was all included,” Rowe explains. They may also need to allocate additional budget for the maintenance of the truck, as well as the spare parts it needs such as Goodyear truck tires.
He says the town had a few options, when it came to covering the local match for next year’s road projects. In the end, officials decided to use the Motor Vehicle Highway Restricted and Local Road and Street funds, to ease the burden on the unrestricted MVH. “The Restricted has to be used for paving and road improvements, so we’ve built up a decent little nest egg in there,” Rowe notes.
Meanwhile, North Judson is also looking to add a new full-time position that could help the sewer and water utilities in the winter and street and park departments in the summer. “A portion of the salary will be split between park, sewer, water, and street, so it kind of makes the impact on each of those less, when we spread it around like that,” Rowe says.
He adds that a cash flow analysis from accounting firm Baker Tilly found the town’s funds to be in good shape overall, with the biggest concern being to build up the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund reserves. The required public hearing on North Judson’s 2022 budget is scheduled for the September 20 town council meeting. It will be up for adoption on October 4.