Starke County is giving the public a chance to weigh in on its park system. A six-question survey is available online. It asks about visitors’ usage of the county parks, such as the Bass Lake Beach and Campground and the Starke County Forest, and what activities they enjoy.
Park Superintendent Marc Vendl says the results will be compiled into the updated five-year park plan. “If you want to have a say in what goes on the next five years, fill out the survey,” Vendl said during Tuesday’s park board meeting. “It’s on the website. It’s on the Bass Lake Facebook page. It’s on the Koontz Lake one. Get it. Share it. Spread it. Because the more feedback we get, the better off we’re going to be.”
Vendl said the public will also have a chance to give input in person, probably at the November 9 park board meeting.
Starke County’s isn’t the only local park board updating its five-year plan. The Town of Winamac will be sending residents a park survey in their water bill, and one is also in the works for North Judson.