Pulaski County Commissioners, Council Hear Courthouse Project Update

The Pulaski County Commissioners and the Pulaski County Council met in joint session Monday night where they heard from Community Development Commission (CDC) Executive Director Nathan Origer concerning the proposed courthouse project.

Origer said Tonn and Blank had received the schematic design drawings the architects put together and have submitted their updated estimates on the project.

Origer announced the estimate from Tonn and Blank for the total project cost is around $9.7 million. He went on to say there were significant increases to the HVAC system update. Originally, the HVAC update was estimated to be around $800,000. Now the estimate is around $1.7 million. He said they have not received an answer on why that estimate came in so much higher but will report on the update at a future meeting.

Origer said construction is estimated to take nine months to a year once work gets underway.

The commissioners and council members took Origer’s courthouse update under advisement.