Newly-appointed EMS Director Larry Brock gave his first update to the Starke County Commissioners Monday night.
After his first week on the job, Brock said the department is in overall good shape. He added he and his staff found funds they will be able to transfer to their negative accounts.
Brock said, “It’s going to be tight but we are at the end of the year. The biggest problem is I don’t know what is out there that hasn’t come in yet. Hopefully there isn’t anything major that we can’t cover. I do have a little wiggle room.”
He went on to say the department’s staffing is an area of concern. He said there is an EMS shortage currently but they did hire two more full-time EMTs to help staff the trucks better. The paramedic staff is short five employees but Brock reassured the commissioners he believes they are stable and does not see any issues for the time being.
Director Brock went on to advise the commissioners he has been in contact with Acumed who is the department’s billing company. He added they are finding with Acumed the EMS documentation is not good for billing. He said Acumed is sending the reports back but they are not getting to the right person. This has been causing a delay in the department’s billing. Brock said Acumed has agreed to come to Knox and instruct a class to help the staff with their documentation. He said this will be a big help with the department moving forward.