Knox City Council Provides City Court Update

The Knox City Council continued discussions on an ordinance that would abolish Knox City Court during their meeting Tuesday.

It was announced in the previous city council meeting, the county had decided to take on the costs of Knox City Court. Knox City Attorney Autumn Ferch stated the county will be reimbursing the city for the City Court expenses moving forward.

The Council had tabled the second reading in that meeting to give the county and city attorney time to get a local agreement draft put together.

During Tuesday night’s meeting it was announced there have been some proposed changes to the draft. Knox City Attorney Autumn Ferch said there are some logistical changes she has sent to the county attorney. She added they are now waiting on a response.

The council unanimously approved a motion to table the second reading of the ordinance to allow more time for the local agreement draft to get finalized. It was mentioned the council plans on having this done before their year end meeting December 27 where they will announce the future of Knox City Court moving forward.