Oregon-Davis School Board Approves Purchase of New Playground Equipment

The Oregon-Davis School Board approved the purchase of new playground equipment during their meeting last week.

A portion of the fundraising for this project stems from Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) in a crowdfunding campaign to transform and update the playgrounds at the Oregon-Davis Elementary School.

Students will now have three improved places to play from this crowdfunding campaign after reaching their goal of raising $50,000. The project led by Oregon-Davis PTA will receive a matching grant as part of the IHCDA’s CreatINg Places program.

Oregon-Davis School Superintendent Bill Bennett added the Kankakee Valley REMC Operation Round Up recently presented a $10,000 grant to the Oregon-Davis School PTA. He added Kankakee Valley REMC said if the school was able to reach $40,000 in donations, they would donate the remaining $10,000.

Superintenent Bennett said they have already chosen a playground equipment company and just needed the boards approval to use the $120,000 toward getting the process started. He added the $120,000 includes installation of the entire project.

The board approved the purchase unanimously. Superintendent Bennett said construction will most likely begin in June of 2023.