Eastern Pulaski School Corporation Approves Virtual Learning Model

The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved a Virtual Learning Model during their meeting Monday.

Superintendent Dara Chezem told WKVI News, last July new legislation established Indiana schools are limited to three E-Learning days per school year. If instruction is not provided live and in real time by teachers, then the corporation would have to use an E-Learning day.

Chezem says Eastern Pulaski School teachers have developed a model to meet the new state requirements for these virtual instruction days. Going forward the corporation has one traditional E-Learning day left this year to use if necessary but after that any inclement weather days would be a Virtual Learning Model in which live instruction would be provided to students virtually.

Chezem said the Virtual Learning Model counts as a normal school day toward the 180 day requirement. She added the corporation would be communicating more with students and their families on what the schedule would look like.