North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation Opposes Senate Bill 486

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board discussed legislative updates during their meeting last week.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin told WKVI News there was considerable conversation about Senate Bill 486. Dr. Zupin added they specifically spoke about part of the bill that removes a provision that requires discussion among teacher associations and administrators for certain items. She added this was something they disagreed with.

Dr. Zupin stated, “The North Judson-San Pierre Teacher’s Association and our administrative team believe deeply in the value of that discussion process and so does our board. Our Board President Derrick Stalbaum, our Classroom Teacher Association President Eric Gappa and myself signed a letter to be sent to our representatives to state that we oppose this Senate Bill 486 specifically that discussion piece.”

In the letter written to Representatives Jim Pressel and Kendell Culp, the corporation jointly requested they oppose the bill. They went on to state formal discussion is critical to ensure that students will receive the best education possible by requiring administrators and teachers to collaborate on key issues related to the educational process.

The letter went on to say Senate Bill 486 would not give teachers a voice to advocate on behalf of their students or themselves. They added requiring discussion ensures that an orderly airing of and resolving issues will occur.