Starke County Commissioners Hear Bridge Inventory Presentation

The Starke County Commissioners heard an inspection report on the county’s bridges during their meeting Monday.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Dan Dipert announced United Consulting as the company that was hired to perform the required inspections. It was noted that bridge inventories are required by the Federal Highway Administration and the Indiana Department of Transportation to be completed on all bridges within the county on a maximum of a two-year inspection cycle. Inspections are contracted on a two year basis and the inventory is supported and paid for by the county with 20 percent of the overall contract cost.

John SanGiorgio of United Consulting gave the board a presentation on what their inspection of all 57 bridges in Starke County looked like. He stated overall, the county bridges are in good shape and there are currently zero bridges that are recommended for rehabilitation. It was noted the average of those 57 bridges are 30 years old compared to the state average of 45. SanGiorgio added Starke County is in full compliance with state and federal regulations. He went on to say there were some recommended maintenance items but overall the county looks to be in good shape.