EPIC Superintendents Academy Graduates Cohort 6

The EPIC Superintendents Academy completed its sixth cohort in May.

The Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS) and the Butler University College of Education convened EPIC, a groundbreaking leadership excellence program for Indiana’s Public School Superintendents in 2017. EPIC is designed to position superintendents for dynamic leadership in their districts. Based on the feedback provided by superintendents throughout the state, the experience builds skills in many areas including Strategy Development, Budgeting and Finance, Change Management, Community and Stakeholder Outreach, Building a HighPerformance Team and Board Relations.

It was announced 20 Indiana Superintendents from across the state completed the Academy. Superintendents return to their school corporations with more tools to use in their work to help schools and students be successful.

Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dara Chezem participated in the year-long academy. The EPIC Superintendents Academy is facilitated by affiliates of the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents. This collaboration brings experts in the fields of business and education together to learn how to work together to further education and opportunities.

For more information on the EPIC Superintendent Academy visit here.