Knox School Board Approves KMS HVAC Project

The Knox School Board discussed replacing the HVAC controls at the Middle School during their meeting last week.

Interim Superintendent Ross Sloat recommended the board approve updates to the Knox Middle School (KMS) HVAC controls. He stated the current controllers are outdated and are in need of a full replacement. He added replacement parts are not available as the technology is obsolete.

Sloat said the proposed project would be done in three phases to replace the HVAC controls at KMS. Area A includes the office and classroom areas. This is scheduled to be completed late summer, early fall if approved. The other sections would then be completed in the next two years. The cost for Area A, phase one, is $148,000.00. Sloat added that amount would come from the Operations Fund.

The second and third phase total cost is estimated at $280,000.00. Sloat informed the board they could consider a small General Obligation bond to preserve the Operations Fund cash balance.

A motion was made to approve the updates to the KMS HVAC controls. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.