The Pulaski County Commissioners discussed a Road Use and Repair Agreement with Mayapple Solar during their meeting Tuesday.
County Attorney Kevin Tankersley told the commissioners this agreement is very similar to the prior projects approved by the commissioners. He added there were minor changes to this agreement where this project calls for the solar company to conduct road stabilization on gravel roads in the projects they are involved in.
Tankersley said he believes this is an improvement. He added this agreement says the solar company will repair and resurface any road that needs it. He said they will document road conditions prior to the start of the projects to account for the damage that may be done. It was also announced an engineer will be hired to examine the roads at the solar company’s expense. Tankersley said this agreement will protect Pulaski County tax payers and its roads.
Commissioner Chuck Mellon entertained a motion to approve the Road Use and Repair Agreement with Mayapple Solar. A motion was made and seconded. The commissioners approved the agreement by vote with Commissioner Maurice Loehmer recusing himself.