The Pulaski County Commissioners heard from Highway Superintendent Gary Kruger during their meeting last week.
Superintendent Kruger informed the commissioners he has been looking to purchase two new tandem trucks for the highway department. He stated he has been unable to find any at this time but added he was informed two new trucks could be in the county’s possession as soon as next year. He said the new trucks would roughly cost the county $170,000 for just the chassis.
Kruger went on to say if approved by the commissioners, these trucks would be used for the 2024 winter season. He added the county would need to sign a purchase order to move forward and then pay in full upon delivery. Commission President Chuck Mellon and Vice President Maurice Loehmer both advised Kruger to move forward on the purchase agreement.
Kruger stated he would return at a future commissioner meeting with the paperwork for the commissioners to consider for approval.