Starke County Commissioners Hear Highway Department Updates

The Starke County Commissioners were given a few updates from the Starke County Highway Department during their meeting Monday.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Dan Dipert informed commissioners, County Bridge #7 on 1200 East between Highway 8 and 250 South is on schedule to be completed by Tuesday, Spetember 5. He added the bridge will be open for traffic at that time.

Dipert went on to say the highway department will also be grading roads this week. He then stated 43 miles of chip seal is currently underway and they have 25 miles to go. Starke County had received $1,000,000 for this chip seal project from INDOT’s Community Crossings Matching Grant Program. With expected match money that comes from the county’s CEDIT fund, it was announced there will be enough funds to cover all costs of this project.

In a previous meeting, Central Paving Inc. out of Logansport was chosen by the commissioners out of two total bids. Central Paving’s approved bid came in at $1,071,899.25.