Starke County Commissioners Consider Purchasing New Trucks for Highway Department

The Starke County Commissioners heard from Highway Superintendent Dan Dipert during their meeting Tuesday.

Superintendent Dipert informed the commissioners he has been looking to purchase new tandem trucks for the highway department but the time table on when they would arrive is unknown. He stated, at this time, new trucks are not readily available to purchase from the manufacturers. He added municipalities are put on a waiting list with these manufacturers and offer three separate options in order to be placed on the list.

It was mentioned if the commissioners approve the purchase, the first option available to the county would be to start making monthly payments at the time of delivery. The second option would be to start making monthly payments once the trucks have been ordered. The third option would be yearly payments once the trucks are received, whenever that may be.

Commissioner Mark Gourley stated after looking at the contract to get on the waiting list, he noticed the final price of the truck could be more expensive than what they agree to at the time of approval. Highway Superintendent Dipert stated if the county were to start making monthly payments once they place the order, it would potentially save the county $40,000 but the total price of the trucks could still be raised.

Starke County Attorney Justin Schramm informed the commissioners, after looking at the contract he saw several discrepancies. He added unless they are able to work with the county on placing a bracket on the total cost, he could not in good faith advise the commissioners to approve the purchase to be placed on a waiting list.

The commissioners discussed potentially looking into whether the contract could be altered or changed.

Highway Superintendent Dipert said he could look into that and see if that is something they could work on. He added he would bring that information to the next meeting.

A motion was made to reject the proposed contract. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.