The Knox Board of Public Works heard an update on leaf vacuuming during their meeting Wednesday.
City of Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg informed the board leaf vacuuming is underway. He added the amount of leaves picked up coincide with previous years up to this point. The City of Knox reminds citizens to place all leaves in front of their residence next to the curb on the street in a long row and not in the alley. Citizens are also reminded to not bag leaves, as garbage contractors will not pick those bags up. Trash is prohibited within piles of leaves. This is so the vacuum can pick up the leaves without issues.
Branches and limbs will be picked up each Thursday by the Knox City Street Department. Citizens who wish to drop off leaves, grass, garden material, or brush at the city compost pile, are asked to remove leaves and grass from the bags or containers before putting them in the designated area behind City Hall, on the corner of Shield and Mound Streets.
The city will not take brush remaining from professional tree removal jobs. This material is the responsibility of the removal company.
Fall leaf pick-up will run every week as long as weather permits. Borg went on to say the City of Knox salt shed is also full and ready for the upcoming winter season.