Knox City Council Adopts Zoning Ordinance

The Knox City Council held the second reading of the zoning ordinance during their meeting last week.

The council went over the first reading of the zoning ordinance during their meeting October 10. During that meeting, City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok explained there are some amendments to the ordinance regarding parking and storage of recreational equipment. Major recreational equipment is defined as including boats and boat trailers, pick-up campers, trailers, coaches, motorized dwellings, tent trailer and cases or boxes used for transporting recreational equipment.

Mayor Estok told WKVI News the previous ordinance would not allow homeowners within the City of Knox to park their recreational equipment in front of their home. He added the previous ordinance stated recreational equipment must be parked behind the home.

The amendments to the ordinance would allow homeowners to park their recreational equipment in front of their home at least 20 feet from the edge of the roadway and 10 feet from an alleyway. A total of three recreational equipment on property owned by the same person, including property that is connected would be allowed as long as two are not of the same type. Mayor Estok also mentioned if someone would be living in the recreational equipment on property owned by the homeowner, they must purchase a temporary permit that would allow up to nine days. Those permits can be obtained at the offices of the City of Knox, Clerk Treasurer’s Office. The temporary permits can only be obtained two times in one calendar year with a minimum of 30 days separating the two permits.

During the first reading, a motion was made to approve the amendments to the ordinance. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.

During the second reading on October 24, Mayor Estok entertained a motion from the council in efforts to adopt the amended zoning ordinance. A motion was made and seconded. The council then voted unanimously adopting the amended zoning ordinance.