Pulaski County Commissioners Approve CDC Appointments

The Pulaski County Commissioners discussed the CDC restructuring and reorganization process during their meeting Monday.

Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer formally asked the commissioners to consider appointing Jon Frain and Stan Bennett to the Redevelopment Commission with terms ending on December 31, 2024. Origer stated Frain is a former coroner for Pulaski County and can provide business experience to the Redevelopment Commission and also has a business presence in the Francesville and Medaryville area.

Origer then announced Stan Bennett is a resident of Francesville and serves on the board of the Chamber of Commerce. He went on to say Bennett is also the Plant Manager at LightStream. He added if the commissioners were to approve both appointments to the Redevelopment Commission they will have filled all seven needed seats for the 2024 term.

Commissioner Maurice Loehmer made a motion to approve appointing Jon Frain and Stan Bennett to the Redevelopment Commission. That motion was seconded by Commissioner Mike McClure and passed unanimously by vote.

Origer then formally asked the commissioners to consider appointing Tim Fox and Doug Roth to the Advisory Commission on Industrial Development with terms ending on December 31, 2027. Origer said Tim Fox of the Winamac Electric Utility would fill the local utility seat and Doug Roth of Winamac Coil Spring and a former CDC president would fill the flexible unspecified seat. He added if the commissioners were to approve both appointments they will have filled five of the six Industrial Park Board seats with the final seat reserved for someone representing organized labor in the building trades. He mentioned that has been a difficult seat to fill given the limited number of union shops located in Pulaski County but Origer stated they will continue to work toward filling the position.

A motion was made to approve the appointment of Tim Fox and Doug Roth to the Advisory Commission on Industrial Development. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.