Starke County Highway Department Awarded Grant for Winter Safety Gear

Starke County Highway Department Issued New Winter Safety Gear. Photo provided by Starke County Highway Department

The Starke County Highway Department has been awarded funding for new highly visible (Hi-Vis) winter safety gear.

The Starke County Community Foundation awarded $5,000 to the department in efforts to provide Starke County Highway employees with new Hi-Vis winter gear. Currently, the Highway Department has 16 drivers and three mechanics. Starke County Highway Interim Superintendent Rachel Oesterreich told WKVI News, each person received a winter coat, a heavy sweatshirt, a light sweatshirt, a hat, gloves, and a first aid kit.

Oesterreich stated the highway department applied for a Northern Indiana Community Foundation Support Grant through the Starke County Community Foundation and was notified they had been awarded the grant in December.