Pulaski County Raises Awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Pulaski County Commissioners acknowledged Child Abuse Prevention Month during their meeting Monday.

Tim McQuinn from the Pulaski County Department of Child Services requested permission from the commissioners to place pinwheels at each corner of the old courthouse. He added this is something they have done for several years and would like to continue in raising awareness for the month of April.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Prevention services and supports developed by this collaboration can help to protect children and strengthen families.

McQuinn stated if approved, they would set the pinwheels up on April 1 and have them taken down May 1. Commissioner Chuck Mellon entertained a motion to approve the observation of Child Abuse Prevention Month. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.