The Knox Board of Public Works continued discussions on raising water tap fees during their meeting Wednesday.
In a previous meeting, Knox Water Department Superintendent Tim Lindewald informed the board the cost to set up new water service including tapping and boring has increased exponentially. He requested the board raise water tap fees to help the department in purchasing the materials needed for each job.
During Wednesday’s meeting, City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok stated a raise in water tap fees if approved, would not affect current rate users and that it would not be a rate increase on water usage. He stated the water tap fee increase would only be for those who are building new homes and would like to connect to the city water or individuals that are not on city water who would like to be connected.
Superintendent Lindewald stated this increase would be in effort to keep up with the current prices of materials placed underground for water tap connections. It was noted the increase would only cover the cost of materials and not include labor and use of equipment to have city water connected. The proposed increase would raise a 3/4” connection to $1,410, a 1” connection to $1,600 and anything over 1” would be determined by the water superintendent based on current meter and construction costs.
City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok entertained a motion to approve the water tap fee increase. Board member Steve Dodge made that motion. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote. Mayor Estok stated the Knox City Council will also need to approve this increase. It is expected to be up for approval at their next meeting.