The Knox Board of Public Works discussed the continued cleanup effort at North 18 South Main Street during their meeting Wednesday.
City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok announced the cleanup is still not complete at the location where property damage occurred due to a fire in June of 2022. Director of Building, Planning and Code Compliance Lonnie Boley stated he had sought out quotes from several different businesses to have the corner of North 18 South Main Street rebuilt and brought up to code as well as reinforcing an adjoining wall. He stated Straightline Masonry provided the only quotes. He went on to say proposal one came in the amount of $1,600 to completely bring the corner at the location to compliance.
The second proposal received from Straightline came in the amount of $2,500 to reinforce the adjoining wall to local restaurant Birdie’s. It was noted Birdie’s does in fact have a separate wall but if the adjoining wall were to be torn out, the edging of Birdie’s roof on the south side, would be torn out as well.
In a follow up, Boley told WKVI News it was decided the city would have the adjoining wall reinforced instead of tearing out the wall to save the city money from replacing part of the roof.
A motion was made to approve both proposals from Straightline Masonry. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote.