Starke County Council Discusses Advertisement of Upcoming Meetings

The Starke County Council discussed advertisement of their meetings during their meeting last week.

During public comment, several individuals stated they would like to see more information regarding upcoming meetings placed on the county’s website along with social media to help keep the public informed. It was mentioned by several individuals, they don’t know where to go to find out information that has been discussed at county meetings as well as knowing when the meetings occur.

Starke County Auditor Rachel Oesterreich stated they always place the upcoming meeting agendas on the county’s website along with posting them on the doors of the Starke County Annex #1 building prior to the meeting. It was noted while there isn’t a social media page that is government ran in Starke County, that isn’t a law that is enforced in Indiana.

It was noted the county is doing what they are legally obligated to do by publishing upcoming agendas on their website as well as on the doors of the building where the meetings will take place. Oesterreich stated with the county doing what is legally obligated, it is the citizens that should take the initiative to go to their website online or contact the auditor’s office for any questions regarding these meetings. She added she would be more than able to answer any questions the public has in regards to county meetings. The Starke County Auditor’s Office can be reached at 574-772-9101.

In a follow up interview, Oesterreich told WKVI News a county government Facebook page is currently in the works and will be another resource for citizens to have for information. No time line was given but Oesterreich said it will be soon.

Those interested in attending meetings but are unable to, are also able to watch each meeting on YouTube as they are recorded and saved for playback online. If you would like to watch past and upcoming Starke County government meetings click here. If you would like to find out when upcoming meetings will be held, go to Starke County’s government website here.