Knox City Council Adopts Annexation of Property for Potential Hotel

The Knox City Council held the second and final reading for property to be annexed during their meeting Tuesday.

In a previous story, Mayor Dennis Estok informed the council, they had their eye on property just south of 1st Source Bank in hopes to bring an upper, mid-scale hotel to the city of Knox. He stated the city would need to annex that property as it is not within city limits. He added the parcel of land is approximately 10 acres and would be a great location for the potential hotel.

Mayor Estok told WKVI News, during the council meeting Tuesday, they held the second and final reading on the first half of the property south of 1st Source Bank in Knox. Estok stated they approved the second reading unanimously by vote. He went on to say they then held the second reading on the second half of the property north of JR Weaver LLC. Estok said the second reading for the second half of the property was approved unanimously by vote as well.

City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok stated the council then adopted the annexation of property unanimously. He stated the city will now need to publish the adoption and after 30 days, both properties would be considered within Knox’s city limits.