Pulaski County Commissioners Approve New Health Department Positions

The Pulaski County Commissioners discussed hiring positions to the health department during their meeting Monday.

Pulaski County Director of Environmental Health/Foods Edwina Guffey formally asked the commissioners to consider adding three positions to the department. She stated they are currently in need of a part-time immunization nurse that would administer vaccines and assist the public health nurse. She added the part-time position would work no less than four and no more than six hours per contract. Guffey stated there is money available for this position through the Vaccines for Children grant. She added, that would pay for the position from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

The second position Guffey stated was a part time Septic Permit Officer. She said the position would evaluate all soils, design, permit and inspect all on-site systems. Guffey stated the position can be paid through Health Department Fund 8912.

Guffey then announced the third position needed for the health department was a part-time emergency preparedness officer. She stated the county hasn’t had one since 2015 and that the current preparedness plans are from 2013. She went on to say, this position helps with First Indiana Funding as well. It was noted by Guffey the position can be paid out of the IDOH grant which is for emergency preparedness and would be in effect from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Comission President Chuck Mellon made a motion to approve the part-time positions of Immunization Nurse, Septic Permit Officer and the Emergency Preparedness Officer. That motion was seconded and passed unanimously by vote. It was then announced the Pulaski County Council will need to approve these positions at their next meeting as well.