The Knox Board of Public Works discussed approving a permit for Brightspeed during their meeting last week.
Director of Building, Planning and Code Compliance Lonnie Boley announced, Brightspeed is wanting to finish their fiber optic build in Knox. He stated there were five neighborhoods in particular within the City of Knox that Brightspeed is asking permission to provide fiber optic capabilities. He added these five neighborhoods currently do not have fiber optic capabilities and recommended the board approve Brightspeed’s permit.
Boley stated, the boring Brightspeed would be doing to provide fiber optic would be minimally evasive and not require pedestals in people’s yards. City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok entertained a motion to approve the permit to Brightspeed to provide fiber optic to the requested neighborhoods. Board member Steve Dodge made that motion with board member Jim Collins giving the second. The board voted unanimously approving the permit to Brightspeed.
Boley informed WKVI News the five neighborhoods are along Corey Dr., Short Dr., N. 500 E. Virginia Ln., Henry Dr., Pine St. and Cannon Dr.