The Pulaski County Commissioners heard from the courthouse Project Superintendent during their meeting Monday.
Pulaski County courthouse Project Superintendent John Allen came before commissioners to give updates on the courthouse project from his perspective. He announced they are currently 85 to 90 percent of the way complete on demolition inside the courthouse. He stated the last major location within the courthouse that needs to be demolished is the attic. He went on to say roughly 200 square feet of concrete slab is left to be taken out within the courthouse basement.
Allen said everything underground involving mechanical, electrical and plumbing has been completed as well. Commissioner Maurice Loehmer asked Allen if the work that is being done would give the courthouse another 100 plus years of use. Allen stated he believes with the work that is being done, the building should have no problem lasting. He went on to say he thinks another 100 years is possible barring any unexpected catastrophes.