Starke County Council Makes Park Board Appointment

The Starke County Council made an appointment to the park board during their special session Tuesday.

As previously reported, the Starke County Park Board received a letter of resignation from Kathy Norem. Starke County Deputy Auditor Teresa Trout told WKVI News, due to the resignation from Norem, a Republican seat was needed to be filled.

During Tuesday’s special session, David Sinn was brought forth as the only individual interested in filling the vacant Republican seat. Council member Cassandra Hine made a motion to approve Sinn to the available seat. That motion was seconded by council member Kay Gudeman and was approved by vote with council members Dave Pearman, Tony Black opposed and Howard Bailey abstaining.

Starke County Auditor Michaelene Houston told WKVI News, the term Sinn will now finish ends December 31, 2026.