Starke County Council Approves Additional $3,000 for Document Shredding

Mandy Thomason, Starke County Recorder, sought additional appropriations from the Starke County Council during the October meeting. The request was for shredding of old documents.

“It’s the shredding. He’s got the warehouse cleaned up. Most of the shredding that is happening has already been approved through forms and everything so we have all of that,” Thomason replied adding that the additional appropriation is in the amount of about $3,000. “It looks like we have double the amount that we had last time and the last shredding was $1,500.”

Thomason said that her office did ask more from the County Commissioners so that if the shredding was more then her office wouldn’t have to ask again. 

Council Vice-President Todd Leinbach asked about the shredding of the documents and if they were being shredded because of a statute or if they had been microfilmed.

“Each office has a schedule and so we’ve gone by the schedule. These are documents that can be removed. Most of them have actually already been, a block has been filled out years ago on them. And in the first running that we did, when I was here, we just couldn’t get to them at that point. Now that we’ve got the warehouse cleaned up and everything organized better, we actually could get to them. So, they’ve been able to shred for a while,” she replied.

The council passed a motion to approve the request for the $3,000 additional to come from the Cum Cap Fund.