USDA Invests over $76 Million to Strengthen Hoosier Infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Indiana announced that USDA is investing $76,571,000 in Hoosier rural communities to expand access to a clean and reliable electric grid, provide safe drinking water, and create good-paying jobs.

Five projects are being financed to strengthen Indiana’s infrastructure in rural communities, growing the American economy from the middle out and bottom up.

USDA is providing $53 million in funding through the Electric Infrastructure Loan and Loan Guarantee Program to help Whitewater REMC and Johnson County REMC build and improve electric infrastructure and smart-grid technologies.

These projects will help ensure those customers in rural Indiana have access to reliable electricity to increase economic opportunity and improve quality of life.

USDA is also investing over $23 million to expand access to clean and reliable drinking water, sanitary waste disposal, and stormwater drainage for Hoosiers in Davies County, Waterloo, and Flora.

The Department is making investments through the Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants program and the Solid Waste Management Grants program.