The town had previously budgeted the required match for the grant: 10 percent of the total cost, coming out to $20,000. Unfortunately for Monterey, Origer said OCRA overhauled their programs and they now require a 40 percent local match, totaling $80,000.
Origer said the Nature Conservancy has committed $10,000 to the project because of the effect they believe it will have on cutting down on the number of pollutants being expelled into the river, and the town is now hoping the county will match that generosity.
Origer said the town does not want to raise their rates to fund the project, because they don’t have enough rate payers to make up that gap without hiking rates. He requested the commissioners’ blessing to approach the council and request the $10,000 for the project.
The commissioners approved a motion to provide the $10,000 to the Monterey wastewater grant project, pending council approval and receipt of the grant. Origer said they should know in late July or early August whether or not the city will receive the grant.