O-D School Board Approves Transfer Policy, Speech Pathologist Agreement

Oregon-Davis School Board members (seated) Andrea McIntosh, Shirley Budka. (standing) Christopher Lawrence, Kurt Hayes, Lee Nagai
Oregon-Davis School Board members (seated) Andrea McIntosh, Shirley Budka. (standing) Christopher Lawrence, Kurt Hayes, Lee Nagai

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation has officially signed on to an updated agreement to share a speech pathologist with North Judson-San Pierre. According to the revised memorandum of understanding, Oregon-Davis will cover 30 percent of the cost, while N.J.-S.P. will pay the rest. Continue reading

Starke County Plan Commission Updates Fee Schedule

 An updated permit fee schedule for unincorporated areas of Starke County was approved Wednesday by the County Plan Commission. No comments on the proposed changes were offered from the public. However, Plan Commission Director Terry Stephenson had an issue with the permit fee for accessory buildings, which covers everything from pre-built sheds to garages to pole barns.  Continue reading

Oregon-Davis School Board Approves Seclusion and Restraint Plan

Oregon-Davis-Jr_Sr-BuildingOregon-Davis School Corporation staff members will be getting some training in how handle conflict situations. On Monday, the school board approved an implementation plan for the “seclusion and restraint” policy it recently adopted. According to Superintendent Don Harman, that plan includes annual training for all staff members on how to de-escalate conflict situations. Continue reading