Aviation Board President Voices Opposition to Selling Arens Field

The idea of selling or leasing Arens Field is drawing opposition from its board of aviation commissioners. Board President Jeremy Wegner refuted claims that the publicly-owned airport simply subsidizes people with private jets and crop dusters, during this month’s joint Pulaski County Council and Commissioners meeting. “I think it’s more than that,” he said. “It’s open to everyone.”

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Oregon-Davis School Board to Accept Student Debt Relief Donation Tonight

A $25,000 donation to wipe out student debt will be up for the Oregon-Davis School Board’s official approval tonight. Board members approved an agreement last month that would let school officials collect outstanding fees by intercepting state income tax refunds, but the Starke County Community Foundation’s Hardesty Memorial Endowment Fund has since agreed to pay them off entirely.

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Starke County ‘Space Tree’ Marker to Be Unveiled Tomorrow

Efforts to recognize Starke County’s “Space Tree” have gotten the approval of the county commissioners. The seed orbited the Earth on the Space Shuttle Atlantis in 1988 and was planted on the northwest corner of the courthouse square in 1990. But Kathy Norem with Knox Main Street United told the commissioners Monday that there was never a marker until now.

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Winamac Street Improvements Create Logistical Challenge for Proposed Eagle Scout Project

The Winamac Town Park could soon have a clearer visual link from downtown, thanks to some help from a local boy scout. RJ Link is looking at adding brick pillars on either side of Main Street as part of a proposed Eagle Scout project. He recently told the town’s park board that the idea is to form a gateway to the “swinging bridge.”

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