Future Still Uncertain for Remaining Portion of 8 South Main Street in Knox

A portion of 8 South Main Street in Downtown Knox has been demolished, but the future of the rest of the building remains up in the air. “The building’s not done. It’s in bad shape,” Mayor Dennis Estok recently told the city council. “But the demoed part of it is out of there, the rot and all that, so at least the other two buildings are safe now. They don’t have to worry about it or anything.”

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Oregon-Davis to Switch to Virtual Learning due to COVID-19

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation is switching to virtual learning starting Wednesday. In a letter to community members, Superintendent Bill Bennett says two students at the junior/senior high school have tested positive for COVID-19. On top of that, multiple staff members currently have to quarantine, after being identified as close contacts of COVID-19 cases either at home or at school.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Consider Baker Tilly Agreement, Get Update on CARES Act

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

The Pulaski County Commissioners will consider another procedural step related to a solar farm development’s financial impact. An agreement with accounting firm Baker Tilly regarding solar will be discussed tonight. The commissioners already decided to hire the firm to conduct a financial impact analysis. That, in turn, would help the county negotiate an economic development agreement.

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Another 15 Marshall County Residents Test Positive for COVID-19

Another 15 Marshall County residents have tested positive for COVID-19. That brings the county’s total up to 1,068, according to Sunday’s report from the Indiana Department of Health. More than 25,000 tests have been taken on almost 12,000 Marshall County residents. Another five Starke County residents have tested positive for a total of 287.

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