Felty Leaves Starke Hospital, Lease Negotiations with County Continuing

Felty, CraigStarke Hospital has a new interim chief executive officer. Hospital spokeswoman Stacey Kellogg released a statement to WKVI saying “We confirm that Craig Felty has left the organization, and wish him the best in his new endeavors. G. Thor Thordarson, CEO of La Porte Hospital, will serve as interim CEO at Starke Hospital until this position can be filled. We also have an interim Chief Nursing Officer in place to ensure there is no disruption in patient care or operations. Patients, safety and quality always come first, and this will not change.” Continue reading

Knox City Council Tables Tattoo Parlor Discussion

Tattoo artistKnox City Council members want more information before deciding whether to relax regulations on where tattoo parlors can be located. The current city ordinance, which was adopted in 2009, requires tattoo parlor operators to receive a permit from the city. It further states, “The location shall be at least 500 feet from any property used for school purposes, licensed day care center, church, public park, or a place licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages.” Continue reading

Eastern Pulaski School Board Implements Reasonable Suspicion Policy


A local school corporation can now drug test students if they have reasonable suspicion to believe they are at school under the influence. The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved a corporation-wide reasonable suspicion policy Monday evening. Superintendent Dan Foster says they sought input from other schools and the Indiana School Board Association as to how to handle such matters. Continue reading

Public Comments Favor Elected N.J.-S.P. School Board

Elected school board advocate Matt Bailey addresses the North Judson-San Pierre School Board.


Members of the public who spoke during last night’s North Judson-San Pierre School Board meeting expressed overwhelming support for an elected board. The five-member appointed panel is meeting Monday evening for a work session to discuss next steps and will announce during their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20 whether they will voluntarily transition from an appointed to an elected body. Continue reading