Chip Sealing to Close State Road 39

Road Closed SignThe Indiana Department of Transportation is chip sealing another section of highway in Starke County. Starting today, State Road 39 will be closed between State Road 10 and State Road 8. Work is due to wrap up Friday, weather permitting.

INDOT is also chip and fog sealing State Road 10 between 500 West and U.S. 421 this week. Continue reading

Culver Prepares to Take Permit System Online

culver town hall

The Town of Culver is finally ready to put permit applications online.

Town Council members received an update Tuesday night after a meeting last week between Town Management and the Marshall County Planning and Building Office. Neighboring communities in Marshall County have been using an online permit system for almost one year to improve efficiency for contractors and local residents.

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N.J.-S.P. Board Authorizes Budget Submission


The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation’s annual budget hearing before the Starke County Council will take place during their Sept. 12th meeting. The school board last week authorized the submission of the budget to the council for review. They also approved the advertisement of the 2017-19 capital projects and bus replacement plan in “The Leader” and the “Pulaski County Journal.” State law requires it be published in both counties since townships from both comprise the school corporation. Continue reading

Knox Council to Craft Budget Tonight

 The Knox City Council will work on the 2017 budget prior to their regularly scheduled meeting this evening. Members will meet for a work session at 6 p.m. at city hall prior to the 7 p.m. session. Third and final reading of the city’s 2017 salary ordinance is on tonight’s agenda. Continue reading

State Road 10 to Close for Chip Sealing

Road Closed SignState Road 10 west of North Judson will be closed this week for chip sealing, weather permitting. INDOT crews will begin chip and fog sealing operations today and conclude on Friday, Aug. 26th. The work is done to preserve the road surface. Liquid asphalt emulsion is distributed on the roadway and covered with crushed stone. Excess chips are swept from the roadway after the asphalt cures. Continue reading