Reorganized North Judson Council Approves Contract for Sidewalk Replacement

North Judson Water TowerThe Town of North Judson will be able to leverage grant money for sidewalk and ramp replacement as part of their ADA improvement plan. Town board members approved a contract with consulting firm Fleis and Vandenbrink to assist with that project. The town’s plan calls for sidewalks to be replaced in 2015 and 2016 as funds allow. However, the 80-20 matching grant will allow the town to stretch its resources. The process is in the very early planning stages, and there’s no timeline yet for when work will be done. Continue reading

City of Knox Announces Christmas Tree Pickup

City_of_Knox_LogoThe City of Knox will be picking up live Christmas trees on their regular Thursday brush pick-up day, starting tomorrow. Be sure to remove ornaments, lights and tinsel from the tree before placing it at the curb where brush would normally be placed in the summer months. Trees can also be taken to the compost pile located behind city hall. Trash contractors will not pick up natural Christmas trees.

Starke County Officials Preparing for Winter Wrath

starke-county-courthouseStarke County officials are keeping a close eye on the weather and may issue travel restrictions if necessary. Emergency Management Agency Director Ted Bombagetti says the county commissioners have the final say and consider several factors, including the safety of snow plow drivers, first responders and the public in general.

He adds the county highway and EMA have been rehearsing their response to a winter weather emergency since late summer.

“We’re kind of like the fashion stores where in the winter time they’ve got the swimsuits out. We’re always preparing a season ahead. The drivers have been out practicing their areas.” Continue reading

Culver Community School Board Reorganizes, Approves Master Agenda

Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel
Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos
Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel

The Culver Community School Board elected officers for 2015 after the swearing-in of recently reelected members Jack Jones, William Sonnemaker and Ryan Sieber. Ken Vandeputte replaces Jack Jones as president. Jim Wentzel succeeds Vandeputte as vice president, and Mark Maes took over Wentzel’s previous seat of secretary. Continue reading

Nepotism Law May Affect Local Officeholders

starke-county-courthouseA state law passed fairly recently may start having implications for elected officials in Starke County.

House Enrolled Act 1005 states that an individual may not hold elected office if they are working, or volunteering, for a fire department providing services to that unit of government. The language may have consequences for several individuals about to serve in county, city, and township government.
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