Monthly Bass Lake Beach Report on Commissioners Agenda

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners will get their monthly management report for the Bass Lake Beach and Campground when they meet this evening. Manager Richard Callahan and his attorney Dave Wallsmith are first on the agenda for tonight’s 7 p.m. meeting at the Starke County Annex Building. The commissioners voted recently to limit camping to 15 days instead of allowing season-long leasing of campsites. Continue reading

Make Sure Insurance Coverage Extends to College-Bound Students


College students are heading back to school. Make sure their possessions are property insured in the event of a theft, fire or other natural disaster. Officials with the Indiana Department of Insurance recommend parents check with their insurance agent to see if their college student’s belongings are covered by their homeowners policy before they get settled in on campus. Continue reading

Workshop Planned for Entrepreneurs

ISBDCRon Gifford from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation will be presenting a workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 16 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ET at the Pulaski County Public Library in Winamac.

Gifford serves as the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center Business Advisor for Starke County and Pulaski County. This workshop aims to help entrepreneurs evaluate their business ideas, prepare a sound business plan, manage expectations and increase chances of accessing capital.

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