Candidates Begin Filing for Municipal Election


The first week of filing for candidacy in this year’s Municipal Election is in the books. Pulaski County Clerk Tasha Foerg did not report any filings in her office for town positions in Winamac, Francesville, Medaryville and Monterey, but plenty were recorded in Starke and Marshall Counties.

Democrat Rick Chambers will seek his third term as Mayor of Knox. Former Mayor Dennis Estok, a Democrat, is also on the ballot for Knox Mayor. The two faced off for the mayor’s seat in 2007 in a primary election. Chambers won the election and has been the mayor since that time.

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Starke County Creates Sheriff’s Department Receptionist Position


The Starke County Sheriff’s Department will soon have a receptionist in addition to the full-time matron after action last week by the Starke County Council and Commissioners. Sheriff Bill Dulin sought permission to add an employee to process civil papers, answer the telephone, greet visitors and provide general clerical support to the department. Some of that work has been done by dispatchers in the past, but Dulin advised the council and commissioners the state jail inspector could cut funds to the 911 center if they are caught doing work not that’s not part of their statutory job description. The county council discussed the issue and decided it’s not worth the risk, especially since funds for the new position are already in the sheriff’s budget. Dulin also noted the floor plan for the new jail is different, and 911 center and main entrance are in separate parts of the building. The matron will continue handling sheriff’s sales and processing payroll and claims for the sheriff’s department. Continue reading

Schools to Make up Missed Days of School

 Schools closed three days last week due to weather which means students will be making up those lost days of instruction.

West Central School Superintendent Don Street explains what his corporation will do to make up those days.

“Feb. 16 and April 20 are two snow make-up days we have. We’re also exploring the possibility of e-learning days and designate Saturdays as a possibility to make up future days missed,” said Street.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board May Approve Final Building Plans


The Eastern Pulaski School Board will consider final plans for the $14 million campus renovation project when they meet this evening. The project includes upgrades to the elementary, middle and high schools. Main entrances will be secured and restrooms will be updated. Planned classroom improvements include changing chalkboards to marker boards and replacing windows. Both gyms will be updated with new floors and other electrical improvements. Continue reading

Indiana AARP Hoping to Influence Retirement Savings, Caregivers

Indiana Statehouse
Indiana Statehouse

Two bills are being pushed by the AARP in Indiana during this session of the General Assembly and they look to help two different issues.

About half of Americans aged 50-years and older have less than 25-thousand dollars in retirement savings. To help solve this problem, the AARP is proposing the Hoosier Employee Retirement Option, otherwise known as the “HERO Plan.”
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Brothers Charged with Armed Robbery

Kevin Pons
Kevin Pons
Giancarlo Pons
Giancarlo Pons

Two people were arrested in an armed robbery incident in LaPorte this week.

The pair, Giancarlo Pons, 21, and Kevin Pons, 20, of LaPorte, entered the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Pine Lake Avenue, went into the office area and allegedly stole a large amount of money while pointing a handgun at employees. The brothers fled the store on foot.

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Starke County Council, Commissioners Reorganize

Starke County Council members Bob Sims, Jennifer Davis, Pam Stalbaum, Freddie Baker, David Pearman, Bryan Cavender and Brad Hazelton
Starke County Council members Bob Sims, Jennifer Davis, Pam Stalbaum, Freddie Baker, David Pearman, Bryan Cavender and Brad Hazelton

Democrat members of the Starke County Council banded together and elected a new president during a special-called organizational meeting. Freddie Baker replaces Republican Dave Pearman in that role. Councilman Bob Sims nominated Baker, and recently elected Democrat members Jennifer Davis and Pam Stalbaum voted for him. Councilman Bryan Cavender nominated Pearman, but nobody stepped forward to second his motion. Pearman was elected vice-president of the council. Continue reading

West Central School Board Focuses on Budget


The West Central School Board closed out the 2014 books and looked at the budget for this year when the members met this week. Superintendent Don Street said the board won’t be making any big changes to the budget.

“There were no big cuts,” said Street. “We anticipated where we would be in our annual budget. Our assessed evaluation has increased for our school district from last year which has reduced, just slightly, the amount of taxes that will be charged for each individual.”

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Dogs at the Library Program Scheduled in Plymouth

dogs at the libraryThe Plymouth Public Library is sponsoring a special program for children on Tuesday, Jan. 13.

The “Dogs at the Library” program is planned where children can read books to dogs. The members of the Marshall County 4-H Dog Club will have their dogs at the library for this event. The gentle, trained dogs will sit and listen to any story that a child would like to read aloud.

Parents can take pictures during the event and children of all ages are welcome to attend.

The “Dogs at the Library” event begins at 6:30 p.m. ET in the children’s room at the Plymouth Public Library. It will last about an hour. This program is available again on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 6:30 p.m. ET. For more information, call (574) 936-2324.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Breaks Down Snow Removal Expenses

 Winter has finally arrived, and it is keeping the Starke County Highway Department extremely busy. Crews have been spreading salt and plowing roads for the past week. In spite of the uptick in activity, highway superintendent Rik Ritzler says the county’s snow removal costs remain significantly lower than last year’s at the same time. He told the commissioners yesterday the department is still working on its first load of salt and has only used 200 tons. By this time last year, Ritzler says they had already used more than 1,000 tons of salt. Continue reading

Analyst Explains Gas Price Spike


The lower price of unleaded gasoline has relieved a pinch from consumer pocketbooks, but some retailers have dropped the price too low for a profit margin. Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan said that has caused prices to spike.

“What you’re seeing with the big spike is essentially gas stations losing 20 or 25 cents a gallon and raising their price back up to where they’re making about 15 or 20 cents a gallon. Obviously, you have a 40 cent a gallon difference between a station losing 20 cents and making 20 cents and that’s where these big spikes come from. The good news is that prices are already coming back down,” said DeHaan.

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Starke County Commissioners Open Courtroom Bids

This building on SR 8 at CR 550 E is part of the new Starke County Sheriff's Office and Detention Center.
This building on SR 8 at CR 550 E is part of the new Starke County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center.

Bids for the courtroom build-out at the Starke County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center are under advisement. The county commissioners opened eight bids for general trades and four each for mechanical and electrical work. The project design engineer is reviewing all to make sure they meet specifications prior to a special-called Starke County Building Corporation meeting on Monday, Jan. 19. The building corporation will make formal recommendations to the Starke County Commissioners, who are also scheduled to meet that evening. Continue reading