Nepotism Law May Affect Local Officeholders

starke-county-courthouseA state law passed fairly recently may start having implications for elected officials in Starke County.

House Enrolled Act 1005 states that an individual may not hold elected office if they are working, or volunteering, for a fire department providing services to that unit of government. The language may have consequences for several individuals about to serve in county, city, and township government.
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Pleasant View Rest Home Closure Underway

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

Officials are moving forward with the closure of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County.

Board President Bob White told WKVI News that attorney Jere Humphrey has called county home officials to help with the paperwork to assist in placing the residents at a different facility or find other arrangements. Humphrey was appointed by the commissioners to help with the actions necessary to close the county home.

The county council at their meeting in December approved the defunding of the county home by a majority vote at their meeting on Dec. 8.  Because funding for the county home was not included in the 2015 budget, the county commissioners approved the official close of the facility by a vote of 2-1 on Dec. 23.

The residents or their representatives will be sent a letter and they will have two weeks to notify the attorney of their plan.  Once the attorney receives the information of where the residents will be moving, the residents then have 90 days to move from the Pleasant View Rest Home.  The facility is expected to be closed on March 31.

White thanked superintendent Deb Girton and the staff for their hard work in taking care of the residents. He also recognized the board members for their efforts.

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Change to FAA Drone Rules Could Benefit Indiana Economy

1The Federal Aviation Administration is scheduled to release proposed regulations for the commercial use of unmanned aircraft systems (U.A.S), commonly referred to as drones. As of right now, the use of drones is limited to hobbyists and a small number of researchers, businesses and government agencies. The new rules are expected to cover altitude limits and license requirements and will open the doors to using drones in a number of new ways.

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One-Time Energy Assistance Available to Struggling Citizens

$Applications for the Energy Assistance Program can still be submitted for a one-time benefit on electric and heating bills. North Central Community Action Agencies, Pulaski County Human Services, and Community Services of Starke County began taking applications for LaPorte, Pulaski and Starke residents in November. Applications will continue to be accepted until all funds are obligated.

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Officers Identified in Police-Involved Shooting Incident in Plymouth

Trooper William B. Ennis
Trooper William B. Ennis
Matthew Emenhiser
Matthew Emenhiser

Officials from the Indiana State Police, Bremen Post and Plymouth Police Department have released the names of the officers involved in a shooting in Plymouth. Trooper William B. Ennis and Plymouth officer Matthew Emenhiser were involved in firing shots at Lane Dodson of Plymouth Monday evening.

Trooper Ennis conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by Dodson. Dodson pulled his van into the Kmart parking lot and Trooper Ennis waited for a Plymouth officer, Emnenhiser, to assist at the scene. The pair walked up to the driver’s side window to question Dodson about an alleged domestic issue that occurred earlier in the day. When Dodson was asked to step out of the vehicle, Dodson reportedly raised his gun at police and the officers fired their guns.

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Fatal Fire Prompts Smoke Detector Donation Drive

culver town hall

Smoke detectors will soon be handed out to residents of  Culver and the surrounding community. Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield told the town council last night his department is collecting smoke detectors to give out. Their action was prompted by a recent fatal house fire in which the home’s lone occupant died of smoke inhalation because the home lacked a smoke detector.

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North Judson Police Investigating CVS Break-in


North Judson police are looking for a suspect who made entry into the CVS store on Talmer Avenue on Saturday.

Officers responded to an alarm at the store in the early morning hours. When they arrived on scene within a minute of the notification, they found that entry had been made by way of the back storage area. The suspect(s) fled the area prior to the arrival of police. The building was cleared. No items were reported missing.

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Past Due Utility Bills Results in Liens

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston informed the city council members last week that he sent 11 lien notices to the Starke County Treasurer’s office. He stated that those residents were behind in paying utility bills. Those liens will be collected when property taxes are collected in May.

Mayor Rick Chambers noted that he’s talked with John Julian with Umbaugh and Associates about doing an audit of the water department accounts. There are some properties that are not being billed properly. Mayor Chambers said he would talk more about the issues and bring a contract to the council for approval for Julian’s services. There was discussion about lowering the minimum amount of gallons billed and senior citizen discounts.

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Winamac Town Council Closes 2014, Plowman Honored for Years of Service

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall

The Winamac Town Council members approved ordinances establishing salaries and wages for town employees in 2015.

In a special meeting yesterday, the council members approved salaries and wages for town officers and employees plus the officers of the Winamac Police Department. The ordinances passed by a vote of three to one. Tom Murray was the lone member who was against the approval of the ordinances.

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