Indiana DOE Releases School Grades

 The Indiana Department of Education released the A-F grades for all schools in the state on Wednesday. The release of the grades was delayed after the State Board of Education had received appeals from several schools.

Locally, Knox High School and Knox Elementary School received an A grade, along with Culver Elementary and Middle Schools, the North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School, West Central High School and Elementary School and all three Eastern Pulaski schools.

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West Central School Board Meets Tonight

west central logoThe West Central School Board will meet tonight where the school board members will have several action items to discuss.

Now that the school board has approved the budget for the next school year, the next step is to plan the 2015-2016 school calendar. That will be discussed tonight as well as the course description books, the high ability grant, a rainy day resolution and other items.

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Oversize Load to Travel Through Northern Indiana


An oversize load traveling through northern Indiana the next five nights may snarl traffic in Porter, LaPorte, Starke and Marshall Counties as it passes through. The slow-moving, oversize, overweight load will have a police escort from the Port of Indiana to the Ohio border. INDOT advises short-term road closures will be necessary as it moves through the area. Motorists are urged to avoid the routes during the scheduled travel times. Continue reading

Democrats Emerge Victorious in Starke County

Democratic Party DonkeyElection Day was all about the Democrats in Starke County.

“We had a strong bunch of candidates this time. Not only that, but we had the backing of the Democrat Party. Everyone worked together and we were able to do stuff for the candidates that we haven’t done in the past. The bottom line was it paid off,” Democratic Party Chairman Kenny Wallace said.

Longtime Sheriff’s Deputy Bill Dulin posted a solid victory over Republican Bill Bope in his quest to succeed term-limited Sheriff Oscar Cowen. Dulin plans to take a comprehensive look at how the department is run. Continue reading

Pulaski County Voters Elect Sheriff, Commissioner


In Pulaski County Republican Jeff Richwine is the sheriff-elect. He beat Democrat Paul Grandstaff in the contest to replace Mike Gayer, who is retiring due to term limits. Republican Bud Krohn Jr. beat Democrat John Plowman in the county commissioners race. He will replace incumbent Tracey Shorter, who did not seek reelection. Neither did Democrat Councilman Ron Powers. His daughter Linda Powers beat Republican Pam Chumley in that race. Continue reading

Knox Investigate Burglary at First Christian Church


Knox City Police officers are investigating a burglary at the First Christian Church.

According to police, unknown subject(s) entered the church at 301 S. Pearl Street in the late hours Saturday night or in the early hours on Sunday. Officers found that the subject(s) forced entry into the building and proceeded to cause damage throughout the church.

Police believe that someone may have seen the burglary in progress. If you have any information about this incident to assist in the investigation, call the Knox City Police Department at (574) 772-4122.

Work Continues on Starke County Bridges

Starke County Highway Department workers add rip rap to bridges.
Starke County Highway Department workers add rip rap to bridges.

Work on two Starke County bridges should be finished by the end of the month. Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler says the replacement bridge on 800 East over Eagle Creek just north of 500 West is halfway done. Work is also under way on the bridge on 900 South over Bogus run just west of 100 West. LaPorte Construction is doing both projects for the county. They will also replace the bridges on 50 East over Smith Ditch just south of 500 South and on 450 South just west of Range Road over Smith Ditch in the spring. Continue reading

Pulaski County Commissioners to Review Courthouse Repairs after New Year

Pulaski County CourthouseRepairs needed to the Pulaski County Courthouse structure will be determined after the first of the year.

Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston brought up the issue after an assessment was received about masonry repairs at the courthouse last month. The limestone needs to be repaired around the perimeter of the courthouse as it has come apart. Mortar joints were found to be defective, eroded or missing. The stairs also need to be repaired.

The base quote given for repairs were just over $83,600.

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Pulaski County Drug Free Council Seeking Grant Applicants


Grants are available from the Pulaski County Drug Free Council for programs that combat marijuana and alcohol abuse. Those are the main issues identified in the council’s three-year comprehensive plan, based on data from the police, prosecutor’s office, probation department and local treatment providers. They found alcohol abuse is on the rise among both juveniles and adults in Pulaski County. Also adult abuse of marijuana is increasing. Continue reading

LaPorte Officials Evacuate City Block after Suspicious Package Found


A LaPorte city block was evacuated this morning after police found what appeared to be three pipe bombs inside of a box.

LaPorte Mayor Blair Milo informed residents on her Facebook page that the LaPorte Police Department responded to a call of a suspicious package in the 700 block of Philadelphia Street. Once officers determined what was inside the box, the Porter County Bomb Squad and the ATF were notified. Those officers successfully removed the package.

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Polls are Open for General Election


Today is Election Day! The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.

You need to have a legal ID in order to cast your important vote at the polls. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles will be open during the time the polls are open. License branches will only process new, amended or replacement ID cards, and renewed, amended or replacement driver’s licenses, learner permits, and CDLs. Aside from disability placards, the branches will not perform any other BMV services today only.

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Equipment Installation in Progress in the Pulaski County Justice Center

Pulaski County Justice Center
Pulaski County Justice Center

The installation of equipment at the Pulaski County Jail is underway. Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston have the commissioners an update on the progress during last night’s meeting.

The metal work on the roof at the justice center is complete and a final walk through was conducted.

“The new water heaters are over halfway through the installation process,” said Johnston. “One of the water heater units is in place, but they haven’t fired it up yet. They won’t take the other one offline until they’re positive that it’s working correctly. On Nov. 10, I’m set to meet with the council to go over the sealed bids that you guys opened and made decisions on and get all of that worked out as far as the CAGIT goes.”

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Washington Township School to be Demolished Monday

Washington Township SchoolThe Washington Township School, at the corner of Division Road and State Road 23, will be demolished on Monday, Nov. 10.

A volunteer contractor from Monterey is in charge of the demolition and debris removal.

For safety reasons, the Washington Township Park will be closed to the public until the demolition and cleanup is complete.  Availability of brick will be reviewed after the demolition begins.  Officials can decide if the bricks or other materials can be salvaged.

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Bids Accepted for Hamlet-Davis Township Fire Station

The new fire station will be built between the Starke County Fairgrounds and the Wayne Apartments in Hamlet.
The new fire station will be built between the Starke County Fairgrounds and the Wayne Apartments in Hamlet.

The plans for the new Hamlet-Davis Township Fire Department building moved forward last night at a joint meeting of the Davis Township Advisory Board and the Davis Township Building Corporation. Construction bids totaling $665,681.00 from seven contractors for the $870,000 project were accepted. There is no re-bidding required. Continue reading