October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and federal and state officials want to make sure you don’t become a victim of online crime.
Online criminal activity in 2012 resulted in losses of more than $525 million, according to FEMA. The agency urges everyone to guard against fraud while surfing the Internet. For starters, you should set strong passwords, change them regularly and don’t share them with anyone. Install the latest updates to your computer’s operating system, browser and other critical software. Use privacy settings on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in order to control who sees your profiles and photos, and limit the amount of personal information you post online.
VPN or virtual private network is one of the best ways to secure your internet connection and keep your data private. However, all of that protection amounts to nothing if a VPN can be easily hacked. To get protected you should download the best free vpn in India. With online banking, you’re using personal information, bank account numbers, secure passwords, and in some cases, social security information
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