Blight Elimination Demolitions Proceeding in Knox

Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox is set for demolition within the next week or so, according to Mayor Dennis Estok.
Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox is set for demolition within the next week or so, according to Mayor Dennis Estok.

Efforts to demolish uninhabitable houses in Knox are picking up speed. Mayor Dennis Estok told the city council Tuesday two of the four homes purchased by the city as part of a blight elimination grant have been torn down. Continue reading

Starke County Absentee Voting Information


This is the first day for prospective General Election voters to cast absentee ballots. Registered Starke County voters may do so on the second floor of the courthouse weekdays from 8 a.m. until noon and from 1 until 4 p.m. Please be sure to bring a government-issued photo ID. Only voters who reside in Starke County may vote at the courthouse. Continue reading

Pulaski Council Agrees to Fund Courthouse Restroom Repairs

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Council has agreed to begin essential updates to the courthouse in an effort to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Maintenance supervisor Jeff Johnston says at a minimum the entry doors to the restrooms in the basement need to be widened and wheelchair accessible stalls need to be added. Those are among the numerous, costly repairs the courthouse will require to address both ADA and structural issues. Continue reading

Local Officials Raise Starke County Flag

flag-flyingStarke County’s new flag is now flying proudly over the courthouse. It was unveiled during Friday’s bicentennial torch relay celebration and officially raised for the first time Monday morning. Starke Circuit Judge Kim Hall presided over the brief ceremony after accepting the flag from Melba and Brad Shilling. Her late husband, Jim, was a well-known historian, community activist and a past winner of the Henry F. Schricker Award. It’s presented annually to a resident who embodies the former governor’s credo of “service before self.” Continue reading