Starke County Park Board Reevaluating Five-Year Plan

starke-county-courthouseEfforts to create a five-year plan for Starke County park facilities have hit a bit of an obstacle. The Starke County Park Board had been discussing the possibility of getting a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs to help pay for the planning process. But to qualify for the grant, the county would have to prove that residents’ incomes fall beneath a certain threshold. Continue reading

N.J.-S.P. Board Approves Optional Elementary School Relocation

NJSP Elementary School
North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board is keeping options open with regard to the future of the elementary school building. It’s currently a kindergarten-6th grade school with 513 students enrolled. The board has discussed moving the elementary school into the now-vacant middle school building at the end of the current school year. Continue reading

N.J.-S.P. Board Seeks Public Input on Elected v. Appointed Board

BluejayThe North Judson-San Pierre School Board wants more input from the public before making a final decision about whether future boards should be elected or appointed. They’ve posted a N.J.-S.P. Community School Board Input Google survey on their website to gauge input from all residents of the district. Those without computer access will be able to complete it at the junior/senior high school media center on Aug. 31 from 6 until 7 p.m. and Sept. 6 from 7 until 8 a.m. It will remain on the site through Sunday, Sept. 18th. Continue reading