Knox Mayor Encourages More Support for City Fireworks Display


Knox Mayor Dennis Estok says the city got tremendous bang for its buck from July’s Fun Day in the Park and downtown fireworks display.

“It was a lot cleaner, a lot more organized, and we just drew a lot more people into townI ,” Estok said during Monday’s town hall meeting with residents. “I met a couple guys from Rensselaer that were playing cornhole. Not in the tournament, but they were there, and they loved every bit of it. So they’re going to tell their friends you can go to Knox and have a good time.” Continue reading

Knox Demolition Efforts Continue

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok reports that progress continues on the demolition of the blighted house at 108 Allen Drive that the city recently acquired.  The Knox Street Department has been working since Monday to tear down the structure on the property.  The city hopes to have the work completed within the next  week. Photos provided.

Allen Street Demolition 1 Allen Street Demolition 2 Allen Street Demolition

Knox Council Shifts Funds for K-9 Vehicle

 The Knox City Police Department has funds lined up to buy a patrol vehicle for their K-9 officer. Mayor Dennis Estok says the Chevrolet Tahoe to accommodate the dog and equipment carries a price tag of about $40,000. Last week the Knox Redevelopment Commission pledged $20,000 from the Tax Increment Financing account toward the purchase. The council’s share of the money will come from the city’s share of riverboat gambling proceeds and the Economic Development Income Tax fund. Continue reading